Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /data/e/7/e76990b9-3372-4d88-8089-fce36e16744a/webperfection.net/sub/rady-nosu/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/modules/class.su-module.php on line 1195
get id3 mp3 tags with php and rename file

January 26, 2014 | In: How-to vychytávky

extracting mp3 id3 tags with php

extract mp3 info with php and rename file on linux box

how to get all mp3 info from a file with php and rename based on this tags

download complete file (rename to .php after): mp3-getinfo-tags-rename-php.txt


%f     Filename without the path [string]
%F     Filename with the path [string]
%k     File size in KB [integer]
%a     Artist [string]
%c     Comment [string]
%g     Musical genre [string]
%G     Musical genre number [integer]
%l     Album name [string]
%n     Track [integer]
%t     Track Title [string]
%y     Year [string]
%C     Copyright flag [string]
%e     Emphasis [string]
%E     CRC Error protection [string]
%L     MPEG Layer [string]
%O     Original material flag [string]
%o     Stereo/mono mode [string]
%p     Padding [string]
%v     MPEG Version [float]
%u     Number of good audio frames [integer]
%b     Number of corrupt audio frames [integer]
%Q     Sampling frequency in Hz [integer]
%q     Sampling frequency in kHz [integer]
%r     Bit  Rate  in  kbps  (type  and meaning affected by -r option)
%m     Playing time: minutes only [integer]
%s     Playing time: seconds only [integer] (usually used  in conjunction with %m)
%S     Total playing time in seconds [integer]
%%     A single percent sign

// my mp3 directory to recusively iterate thrue
$directory = '/mnt/temp/teachings';

// what info i want from my mp3 file - tags
$info = [
  'artist' => '%a',
  'year' => '%y',
  'comment' => '%c',
  'album_name' => '%l',
  'track' => '%n',
  'track_title' => '%t',
  'minutes' => '%m',
  'seconds' => '%s',

// what my filename will looks like
$fileFormat = '%artist-%year-%comment-%album_name-%track-M%minutesS%seconds.mp3';

// build format usable for shell and use newline as delimiter
$infoParam = implode('\n', $info);

// what this can be...
print '

// scan folders
$rdit = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory);
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdit) as $file) {

    // do the job only for files & mp3 ext
    if($file->isFile() && strtolower($file->getExtension()) == 'mp3') {

        // get me the id3 tags (mp3info v1 on my debian)
        $mp3Info = shell_exec('mp3info -p "' . $infoParam . '" ' . $file);

        // is the info what i expect?
        $mp3InfoArray = explode("\n", $mp3Info);
        if(sizeof($mp3InfoArray) != sizeof($info)) {
            print "check:$file
"; continue; } // make me array with combined $info keys and mp3 info values $mp3InfoArray = array_combine(array_flip($info), $mp3InfoArray); // build new filename $newFile = sprintfa($fileFormat, $mp3InfoArray); // clean a bit $newFile = str_replace([',', '\\', ' ', '/', '%'], '_', $newFile); $newFile = str_replace(['&'], ['and'], $newFile); $newFile = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', utf8_encode($newFile));; $newFile = $file->getPath() . '/' . $newFile; // is the new file equal to the old filename? if(strcmp($file, $newFile) != 0) { // does the newfile already exists? if(file_exists($newFile)) { $newFile = substr_replace($newFile, uniqid('-') . '.mp3',-4, 4); } rename($file, $newFile); // what we did with old to new file print "$file:$newFile
"; flush(); } } } function sprintfa ($format, array $values) { foreach ((array)$values as $k => $v) { $format = str_replace("%$k", $v, $format); } return $format; }

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